
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

Well a lot has happened since I last posted. Peyton had her 1st birthday! It turned out great! My Aunt was able to come out it help which was awesome! All the family was there and I would have to say the peyton got so spoiled :) I still can't believe that she is already one, time sure does fly! We just love her so much and are so happy to have a healthy little girl:).
We had a great Thanksgiving, we went to derricks grandparents! We def. got full :) Soon we will be heading to TN for Christmas and I absolutely can't wait! We are going to have so much fun and it will be great to be home! Things really have been going so awesome! I know I say it a lot , but I really mean it when I say that I am so blessed and truly grateful for everything in my life! I seriously can't complain about anything! I think sometimes we forget how much we really do have. Here are some pics to enjoy!

So it has been so long since I have posted. Derrick is now back home for good from the summer. He worked so hard this summer and we are so proud of him! We missed him so much while he was gone.Peyton and I went and hung out with the cousins and family! She loves being around other kids! We had a lot of fun! Peyton is growing so fast! It seems like just yesterday she was this little newborn:(. She honestly is such a big blessing to us! She is the best baby ever! We love her more than words! She is now crawling around everywhere and pulling herself up to stand. She has been crawling for a while now, but like I said I have not posted in a while! ha! It is so good to be back from the summer and to get everything organized. It's great to back in our house! Speaking of our house... we came home and had a lot of weeds in our yard, thankfully derricks dad was kind enough to get rid of some of them before we came back. The only thing is they started growing a ton after he got rid of them, so derrick has been working on getting them taken care of. I think we have a learned a lesson about weeds, take care of them and have them sprayed while your gone before they take over your house! haha! Heres some pics for you all to enjoy!

This fourth of July was a lot better than last year! ha! This fourth of July was great! We went to ride go karts! It was a lot of fun! Then we shot fireworks just at our apartment. Peyton was a little scared of them, but for the most part I think she had a lot of fun! :) This summer seems to be going by really fast!

So I just realized that I haven't blogged about my trip to TN. I was so nervous about how peyton was going to be on the plane. She was such a good little girl though. She pretty much just ate and sleep. She really is a good baby! Everyone was soo excited to see her. My mom was so excited that she woke her up when we got home. It was like one in the morning ha! My dad was super excited too. He wanted to just hold her ALL day! She definetly was getting spoiled. That's okay though with your first right? :) We had a great time in Tennessee. It's always so great to get to go home. I miss it so much when I don't get to go. I really love being in Utah too. I'm so thankful to have a great family there as well. We are all soo blessed!

We went to the Zoo here in KS. I had not been to the zoo in so long! It was a lot of fun! Peyton was such a good little girl. She did not really know what all was going on, but it was still so fun to take her! She is getting so big! I feel like she is growing so fast! She is starting to get her little personality. As of right now she is the Queen in the house haha! Derrick and I are so blessed to have her! She Just recently had carrots too! This was her first food besides formula and rice cereal! She LOVED the carrots! She pretty much ate the whole thing! It so fun to start trying all these new things with her :)

So I have not posted in a long time.. So I thought with it just being Easter I need to post :)... Peyton had her first easter.. Peyton got to spend easter with all her little cousins. I think she really enjoyed watching all the little ones running around:) . I put her in her Easter dress even though we didn't have church lol.. She is growing soo fast! I can't believe she is already five months.. She is such a good little girl :) Derrick and I are soo blessed to have her!! :) She means the world to both of us!!