Well a lot has happened since I last posted. Peyton had her 1st birthday! It turned out great! My Aunt was able to come out it help which was awesome! All the family was there and I would have to say the peyton got so spoiled :) I still can't believe that she is already one, time sure does fly! We just love her so much and are so happy to have a healthy little girl:).
We had a great Thanksgiving, we went to derricks grandparents! We def. got full :) Soon we will be heading to TN for Christmas and I absolutely can't wait! We are going to have so much fun and it will be great to be home! Things really have been going so awesome! I know I say it a lot , but I really mean it when I say that I am so blessed and truly grateful for everything in my life! I seriously can't complain about anything! I think sometimes we forget how much we really do have. Here are some pics to enjoy!